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Trustee & Treasurer Training - MONKS YARD, ILMINSTER

Saturday, 10 December '22   10am – 4pm GMT
Monks Yard, Horton Manor, Horton Cross, Ilminster, TA19 9PY
50 spaces available


NEW for this autumn! The Association is running a series of training sessions for Trustees and Treasurers from our Association churches. The training is for anyone in these roles – whether you’re newly appointed or been in post for years.

We hope that as many people as possible in these roles from your church will come to learn best practice together and discuss how what is learnt can be applied in your church situation.

Each Saturday training event will offer training for Trustees in the morning (10.00-12.30) and training for Treasurers in the afternoon (1.30-4.00).

The training will be led by Malcolm Broad MBE, treasurer at Bristol Baptist College and Keynsham Baptist Church and director of the Baptist Insurance Company plc. Malcolm is also a former treasurer of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and former chair of the Employers Pension Group.

For more info about this training, please CLICK HERE

If you have any queries, please contact Kathy Browne


You will receive an email conformation of your booking and an email nearer the time with further instructions.

If you have any queries, please contact Kathy Browne



Trustee Training - 10am-12.30pm

20 available

Treasurer Training - 1.30pm-4.30pm

30 available


Monks Yard
Horton Manor
Horton Cross
TA19 9PY