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Professional Clerks' Development Programme (Summer Cohort)

Wednesday, 27 April '22   9:30am – 12pm BST


Facilitated by Cathy Brown, who is Director of Governance at TMET and an experienced governor trainer, this well-established programme (originally approved by the DfE) offers both new and experienced clerks an opportunity to develop their role so that they can contribute effectively to governance at their school or academy trust. New clerks will be able to develop their understanding of clerking and develop essential knowledge and skills, whilst experienced clerks will be able to enhance and develop their competencies and expertise.

The programme will consist of:

  • Four online modules (via Zoom), facilitated by an experienced, high quality facilitator
  • 360° evaluation to establish your competencies and areas to develop
  • Reflection on your learning throughout the programme
  • Peer support and sharing practice with other clerks on the programme

The four online module will take place on Zoom, and will be structured as follows:

  • Module 1 - Understanding Governance and the Role of the Clerk - Wednesday 27th April, 9.30am to 12pm
  • Module 2 - Administration, Advice and Guidance - Wednesday 18th May, 9.30am to 12pm
  • Module 3 - People and Relationships - Wednesday 8th June, 9.30am to 12pm
  • Module 4 - Governing Body Panels - Thursday 23rd June, 5.45pm to 7.30pm (Other Module 4 dates are available)


Further information and links to log in to online modules will be sent nearer to the time.



Professional Clerks Development Programme (Cohort 21)

Please note that if you cancel your place less than 2 weeks before the start of the programme, your school will still be charged.