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STRANGE NATURE | Lea Kieffer + Hana van der Kolk

Friday, 15 November '24   1 week
The Field Center, 61 Williams Road, Bellows Falls VT 05101
15 spaces available
STRANGE NATURE | Lea Kieffer + Hana van der Kolk


Calling all dancers, artists, writers, schemers, activists, healers, and other freaks for a week-long dive into world-building, material intimacies/object oriented disorientation, monstrous becoming, temple configuring, psycho-physical interruptions/expansions, gentle and excessive adornment, and celebration.

Through body/flesh, attention, and imagination-centering practices, work with textiles, objects, space, and costume, and group ritual we will “dialogue” with ourselves, one another, and everything to ask: how and why might we become more tender, more monstrous, more clairvoyant, more fluid; recognizing/uncovering our already multiple, hybrid, contradictory, messy, monstrous selves, groupings, world in the process. While our collective intention will be with experience for experience’s sake, individuals may find themselves drawn to thread aspects of our work together into independent projects within and/or after the workshop in the form of costumes, performance, writing, socio-political proposals, pedagogy and more.

Convening shortly after the presidential election, Strange Nature 2024 will gather in particular around the invitation of staying with—the ugly, the trash, the horrific, the confusing, the incongruous, the boring…We wonder what becomes in the ferment, the rot, the decay, the composted? What alchemizes, transforms, surprises, fools, delights? In this asking, we call in the cave, the swamp, the cocoon, as well as the chrysalis, the doorway, and the threshold. We beg for complexity and are on our knees at the feet of multiplicity, listening for…

Guided by dancers, makers, researchers, facilitators Lea Kieffer and Hana van der Kolk, Strange Nature began at the Field Center in 2022 with the curatorial and match making vision of Jared Williams and gathered again at the Field Center in 2023. Will you join us for our 2024 constellation?

To register with a Payment Plan visit



Supporter Rate [EARLY BIRD]

Available until Sun 22 Sep '24 12am
Folks who pay this amount directly support those who have less capacity financially and make it possible for a more accessible and diverse event.

Standard Rate [EARLY BIRD]

Available until Sun 22 Sep '24 12am
This tier is for those who need it.

Subsidized Rate [EARLY BIRD]

Available until Sun 22 Sep '24 12am
This tier is for those who need it.

Supporter Rate

Folks who pay this amount directly support those who have less capacity financially and make it possible for a more accessible and diverse event.

Standard Rate

This is the standard payment tier. All are welcome to pay at this level.

Subsidized Rate

This tier is for those who need it.

Strange Nature Returnees Rate

This is a special ticket tier for all Strange Nature alumni to join us for Strange Nature 2024!

Commuter Rate

Includes access to all classes and events including 3 meals and sauna for complete workshop | DOES NOT INCLUDE OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATION

Work Trade

1 available
$150 discounted tuition in exchange for 1-2 hours per day of work, with 1-2 days off (depending on the length of the workshop). Primarily leading meal clean shifts and assisting with meal prep. Occasional garden & house work. Work trade participants must be present for the first evening’s dinner clean shift, and must be present for the full ___ days of the workshop. Work trade participants should be willing to wake up early to prepare breakfast, and should be willing to miss early morning practice if it conflicts with breakfast prep. Work trade participants should be punctual and excited to help out in the kitchen! Please email for further inquiries.

BIPOC Scholarship

This scholarship is for Black, Indigenous and People of Color. Do you identify yourself as BIPOC? [If not we encourage you to explore our pricing tiers and work trade options! We always encourage emailing us at around financial needs]

RWX Only

3 available
This ticket portal is for current long term Residential Work Exchangers at the Field Center. This is not for event work trade - please see "Work Trade" ticket option. If you are interested in applying for our long term Residential Work Exchange program, please visit us here


The Field Center
61 Williams Road
Bellows Falls VT 05101