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Troubadour Circus with Norwich Castle ( 12- 17 year olds )

Monday, 30 August '21   10am – 12pm BST
The Oak, the Lost in Translation Circus Centre, St Michael Coslany Church, Oak Street, Norwich, NR3 3AE
5 spaces available

Course dates

  • Mon, 30 Aug '21   10am – 12pm BST - done
  • Tue, 31 Aug '21   10am – 12pm BST - done
  • Wed, 1 Sep '21   10am – 12pm BST - done
  • Thu, 2 Sep '21   10am – 12pm BST - done
  • Fri, 3 Sep '21   10am – 12pm BST - done
  • Thu, 9 Sep '21   4:30pm – 6:30pm BST - done
  • Sat, 11 Sep '21   4pm – 6pm BST - done
  • Thu, 16 Sep '21   4:30pm – 6:30pm BST - done
  • Sat, 18 Sep '21   4pm – 6pm BST - done
  • Thu, 23 Sep '21   4:30pm – 7:30pm BST - done
  • Sat, 25 Sep '21   4pm – 7pm BST - done
  • Thu, 30 Sep '21   4:30pm – 7:30pm BST - done


Join the medieval circus!

Troubadour Circus is a free programme of 12 CIRCUS WORKSHOPS suitable for ages 12 to 17, presented by Norwich Castle Museum and The Oak Circus Centre.

Each workshop will take place at The Oak Circus Centre from 30 AUGUST to 30 SEPTEMBER. Expert tutors will help you explore BALANCING,JUGGLING AND AERIAL SKILLS AND CREATE YOUR OWN PERFORMANCE! No previous circus experience is necessary. Troubadour Circus is suitable for all abilities, particularly first-timers!

With the help of Norwich Castle’s curators, you’ll create and perform a medieval-inspired show for a live audience! Discover objects in the museum’s collection and amazing stories from the past, such as King Henry I’s Christmas visit 900 years ago.

As Troubadours, you will explore the following skills:
• MIXED CIRCUS SKILLS: Hula Hoops, juggling (including handkerchiefs, balls and clubs), Poi, stilt walking, tight wire, diablo and more!
• ACROBATICS: headstands, handstands, acrobatics in movement and acro-balance
• AERIAL: Hoop and trapeze
Class content will also include games, stretching and strength-building warm-ups. These activities will improve your motor skills, balance, coordination and strength and develop confidence, discipline and teamwork.
• Participants MUST be available for a minimum of 10 dates, including the last 3 sessions and the presentation day on 30 September 2021

If you have any access requirements or questions, please email or

Troubadour Circus is part of Norwich Castle’s Castle 900! activity programme, a celebration of King Henry I’s visit to Norwich in 1121.

Did you know Norwich Castle is being transformed? Norwich Castle: Royal Palace Reborn is a £13.5m project that will reinstate the Keep’s medieval floors and rooms, helping you to experience a Norman royal palace as King Henry found it. You can find out more here: Royal Palace Reborn - Norfolk Museums
Troubadour Circus - Norfolk Museums



During this pandemic we need to work together to keep ourselves and each other as safe as possible and minimise the risk of taking part in group activities. For this reason we are asking all students and parents to please abide by the following additional procedures and to help each other keep spaces and equipment as clean as practically possible.


  • Pre-booking is now essential, even for drop-in classes. Booking is via our website, email or phone only. There is no cash handling or taking payments at the door.
  • Sign and send your Covid-19 screening, and terms of use/waiver agreement prior to arrival at The Oak.
  • Wash hands before leaving home.
  • Bring only essential personal items, and any food must be brought in a sealed plastic container.
  • Ensure that students bring their own water bottle.
  • Students aged 11 years up are encouraged to wear a face covering if they feel safe to do so during class.
  • If you do have your own circus equipment for your own use during class we really encourage you to bring it, it will be a big help.
  • Please let us know if your child has any allergies that may be affected by disinfectant sprays. (we can tell you exactly what we are using if you are concerned)
  • Please arrive already dressed for class, so that we can minimise the use of changing facilities.


  • There is a one-way system in place, entry will be through the front door, and exit through the side door.
  • For adult classes – there will no longer be reception, please enter the building one household at a time, and check in with the tutor. No-one who is not taking part in the class should enter the building unless dropping off a minor, in which case the procedure for youth classes (below) follows.
  • For youth classes – please be aware of keeping numbers of people in the building to a minimum and try not to bring any unnecessary additional people in when dropping off your child (we realise this may sometimes we necessary with siblings). Check in with reception on arrival, everything is digitized there should be no need to handle paperwork or cash. Exit following the one-way system as soon as practical.
  • The student’s temperature will be checked with a non-touch thermometer and if the student has an elevated temperature you will not be allowed to participate in the class.
  • Sanitize hands at reception on arrival, or wash directly in the bathroom.
  • If you are bringing your own aerial equipment for use in class ensure that it is inspected for safe use by an appropriate staff member or the tutor.
  • Keep appropriate social distance of 2m from Oak staff and any other parents and students.
  • Each student will be allocated a space to put their personals, and must not
  • Inform staff if you/your child has any allergies that may be affected by disinfectant and cleaning products, as students will be expected to help with keep equipment clean during class.
  • Labelled cubby holes are reserved for staff use.


  • Ensure that you read and abide by notices and staff instructions and signage about bathroom and facilities when using the bathroom. There will be one bathroom dedicated to students during class time, and one for staff and professionals. Please stick to the allocated bathroom. For adults, older students and parents helping children, where possible please wipe down door handles, toilet handles and toilet seat after use with the spray provided.
  • Only one person at a time in the toilets (or parent with child).


  • Tutors and staff are required to wear face coverings or face shields when dealing with the public, parents and students, unless it needs to be removed to demonstrate or for safety reasons.
  • All students and parents must abide by social distancing of 2m at all times, this includes aerial distance, unless from the same household. This will be supervised by the tutor but we ask everyone’s co-operation to assist with this.
  • Circus Tots and SEN classes ONLY – We do require 1 parent to join in the class with their child, this is partly so that the children can do more varied activities when they need help, and partly to help ensure social distancing and infection control. Parents are responsible for helping ensure their child maintains social distancing during the class.
  • Students will be allocated individual areas/equipment during classes and they must stick to this as designated by the tutor, and follow any cleaning procedures as asked by the tutors.
  • Use good hygiene practice – avoid touching your face, wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds, sneeze/cough into a disposable tissue or into your elbow if none are available, avoid touching unnecessary surfaces.
  • Use of shared rosin or chalk is not allowed, students should either bring their own chalk or rosin, or bring their own sock, which the tutor can fill up for their individual use.


  • Students will be expected to help with cleaning equipment that they have used during class before leaving. Ensure any dirty wipes or paper goes directly in the bin.
  • Parents should enter and exit through the one-way system when collecting their children, and ensure that they sanitize their hands on entry.
  • Students should sanitize or wash hands before leaving
  • Take all personal belongings and equipment with you, students for adult classes will be expected to disinfect their bench area/cubby hole prior to leaving.
  • Follow the one-way system when leaving.



Troubadour Circus with Norwich Castle

Course ticket - for all 12 dates.

Troubadour Circus with Norwich Castle Daily booking

All participants MUST be available for a minimum of 10 dates and this must include the last 3 sessions and the presentation day. Please contact if you can not make all of the dates.


The Oak, the Lost in Translation Circus Centre
St Michael Coslany Church, Oak Street