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Masks Workshop, Intro to Commedia dell'Arte, The Improv of the Mask! 4:30 - 7:30pm on Saturday AND 11 - 2pm on SUNDAY

Saturday, 22 June '24   4:30pm – 7:30pm BST
The Oak, the Lost in Translation Circus Centre, St Michael Coslany Church, Oak Street, Norwich, NR3 3AE
13 years and over
12 spaces available
Masks Workshop, Intro to Commedia dell'Arte, The Improv of the Mask! 4:30 - 7:30pm on Saturday AND 11 - 2pm on SUNDAY

Course dates

  • Sat, 22 Jun '24   4:30pm – 7:30pm BST - done
  • Sun, 23 Jun '24   11am – 2pm BST - done


2 days intensive 3 hours per day workshops introducing the Theatre Masks of the Commedia dell'arte.

4:30 - 7:30pm on Saturday AND 11 - 2pm on SUNDAY

Mask workshop curated by Eduardo Ricciardelli
The work takes place in a context of basic training in theatrical techniques
and turns his gaze to the "academy of Laughter" which was of great importance for the development of the whole European theatre
Also Known as the commedia dell'arte, better known as Commedia impromptu.
The work

It consists of three main study subjects
1 bodily expression
2 vocals
3 approach to the mask

1- In the first point thanks to a series of exercises and theatrical games
we will deepen the work of connection between inside and outside,
in the physical presence of each individual, starting from a phase of reconstruction of neutrality. You will understand that each character each person/character
it has a specific weight and a constant way of placing its weight on the ground.
The study of elements such as air, earth, water and fire will give us the opportunity to discover our natural propensity to stay (intended as being on the ground). The wood and metal elements will instead be of great importance to understand the development of knowledge and movement in space.

2 The voice, which is an instrument we use every day, can provide infinite possibilities, which we will investigate with some simple exercises
and we will play above all with nursery rhymes and tongue twisters.

3 - The mask work phase will be linked to the study of some of the major characters of the Italian tradition such as:
harlequin /balanzone /pulcinella/brighella/pantalone /colombina/in love/captain-
The phase of approaching the mask will give everyone the opportunity to play with an element, which is to all intents and purposes an object of mutation.
We will work on Callot's iconographies,
And then with masks of the aforementioned fixed types.

Each participant is required:

1-A song (better if popular).
2-A poem.
3- a fairy tale.


Eduardo Ricciardelli
graduate in performing arts and sciences
with a thesis in theater history on
Commedia dell'arte. at the "Sapienza" in Rome
he also attended the international school "Circus A Vapore"
a 3-year master's degree of high professional training
on "Techniques of sudden comedy"
conducted by Claudio DeMaglio (Director of the Nico Pepe Academy of Udine, Claudia Contin (director of the experimental center for the actor of Pordenone), Ferruccio Merisi, Margarite Alamong (director of the Feldenkrais center of Tel Aviv), Bruce Meyers (actor of the royal shekspeare - and Gilberto Tofano (protagonist of Peter Brook's Mahabarata)
he then follows the masters of commedia dell'arte such as Ferruccio Soleri (historical protagonist of Harlequin servant of two masters in the staging by Giorgio Strelher with the small theater of Milan and Carlo Boso director of the Versallies academy. He also studies masks with Michele Monetta (founder of Icra Project and direct student of Etienne decroix - French mime) and Balinese lemschere with
Cristina Wistari, Odin Teather by Eugenio Barba.
In 2002 he founded the Teatraltro company with which he produces commedia dell'arte shows and many entertainment and training events on the mask.
studies the construction of masks with - student Stefano Perocco of Meduna di Sartori.
with Flaminio Scala's "fake husband" he won the 2006 Warsaw World Theater Festival
with Captain Fracassa he won the comic off festival in 2015 in Rome
wears the mask of Pulcinella as an actor in
poland, france (nui de musee), belgium nUvelle anne university
United States-New York-New Yersy
Germany, Luxembourg, Spain.
he has been following the international conference for 3 years
as organizer Gli stati della zeza csi

Level: Beginner


Bring comfortable clothing, water and as a
1-A song (better if popular).
2-A poem.
3- a fairy tale.



The Mask Workshop - Regular ticket

Course ticket - for all 2 dates.
14 available
2 days workshop 3 hour per day

The Mask Workshop - Oak memberships, preprofessional course Students

13 available
2 Days workshop 3 hours each day


The Oak, the Lost in Translation Circus Centre
St Michael Coslany Church, Oak Street