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Meditation for beginners

Friday, 25 October '24   9:30am – 11am BST
Rothersthorpe, Northampton, NN7
9 spaces available
Meditation for beginners


Join me in this mini meditation workshop as we explore different styles of meditation.

This class is for you if.....

You have never tried meditation before and would like to learn more about it, this will be the perfect place to learn some basic techniques and practice in a relaxed, supportive a friendly space.

You have tried meditation and struggle to settle into stillness or calm down your busy mind, don't worry you are not alone, you will learn ways to stay centred in your practice in class and be able to take these tools home to use when life gets busy and you need to find a quiet moment for yourself.

Or, maybe you just love the idea of a beautiful calm space, some time for you and complete relaxation?

Whatever your reason for attending, you will leave feeling relaxed and with some new techniques to use at home, helping you through those busy days and weeks!

You can practice meditation seated on a cushion or on a chair so if you have limited mobility this is not a problem at all.

If you have any questions please reach out on 07432140343


You are not required to bring any equipment for these classes.
Ensure you are dressed in comfy clothing, with layers in case your body temperature changes during the session.
Please do bring a water bottle with you.



Meditation for beginners

9 available
Mini meditation workshop



Please be mindful of our neighbours when parking.