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Full Moon Yoga with yoga nidra - online

Monday, 25 March '24   8pm – 9:30pm GMT
Full Moon Yoga with yoga nidra - online

This is an online event.

Joining instructions will be provided after booking.


This practice is for you in the comfort of your own home.

You don’t have to go anywhere, you can do this practice in your pyjama's or whatever you feel most comfortable in. You can have pets and kids around you if you would like.
Welcoming everyone’s home life and enjoy it for what it is in that moment.
Bring a cup of tea with you or relaxing drink.

I will introduce this months Full moon and what it might have to offer you, energetically and spiritually.
The we will move through a short nourishing practice of releasing movements and postures that will help you unwind.
as you don't have to leave your house you can just roll out your mat move in a way that feels good and then of you want jump into be for the yoga Nidra.

I will then Guide you into a state of deep rest.
Allowing you to fall to sleep after and waking up feeling amazing.  This is a wholesomely blissful class that you won’t regret!


Have a clear space on the floor for your Mat.

Have any props that you like to use close at hand. If you don't have your own yoga props you can make some using books, cushions, pillows, or folded blankets.

Wear comfortable clothing or even your Pyjamas if you want to stay in bed and fall to asleep at the end of the Yoga Nidra.

Maybe light a candle or some incense to create a welcoming space.

If you have crystals the Full Moon light re charges them so place these somewhere under the light.

Please don't worry about your background sounds I mute everyone during the classes so no-one will get disturbed by what happens in your space,



Full Moon Yoga with Yoga Nidra

Available with:
£12 Drop in.

Online event information


Please don't worry about your background sounds I mute everyone during the classes so no-one will get disturbed by what happens in your space.

I record these sessions and the video is set to me as the host so unless you turn your sound on you will not be in the video.

I edit the videos so any conversations that happen before or after the event will be edited out.