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Unpaid Male Carers Retreat Day - Cheshire West

Thursday, 13 February '25   10am – 2pm GMT
Bluebell Wood CIC, Winsford, CW7 4EE
18 years and over
5 spaces available
Unpaid Male Carers Retreat Day - Cheshire West


Are you an unpaid male carer who supports

  • a family member
  • a child
  • a friend
  • an elderly person
  • somebody who is poorly
  • a member of the community
  • look after grandchildren so your family can work

If, yes, is the answer to any of these, then you are welcome to join our FREE fully funded retreat day in Winsford, Cheshire.

What to Expect:

Our facilitators, on the day, Chris and Anthony have both attended a Wilderness Tribe programme and worked their way through the Tribe into different roles, we are Tribe members before workers. Some of us are carers too!

We are inviting you to come along and take much-needed time for yourself. We have guest facilitators who will help us relax in nature. There will also be an opportunity to try your hand at some bushcraft skills.

Time for you:

Join us around the fire and under our large parachute shelter for some ‘me time’. Everything we do is an invitation and the sessions are yours. If you need to sleep in a hammock, smash some firewood with an axe or chat around the fire our woodland will provide that space.

Funded by Cheshire West Carers Fund

This event is for men only.


5 available


Bluebell Wood CIC


  • Toilets
  • Parking