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Eco-Schools Activity Day 2025

Wednesday, 12 March '25   10am – 2:15pm GMT
Truro Cathedral, 14 St Mary's Street, Truro, TR1 2AF


Join us for our first ever fun and exciting Eco-Schools Activity Day for Church of England Schools. A chance for Eco-committee members from KS1 and KS2 and their adult leaders to meet with each other and share the amazing work that is going on in our schools to improve the environment and care for God’s creation.

Learn from experts by attending our fun and interactive workshops from:

SW Water - sustainability in fashion
Cornwall Council - marine coastal erosion
SAS - marine plastic pollution
Cornwall Wildlife Trust - attracting pollinators for school grounds
Suez - what about waste?
Falmouth University - eco anxiety
Truro Parks - school grounds / gardening
Geothermal Engineering - all about energy
Cornish Language - Naming marine animals
Cornwall Community Flood Forum - Water and Global Citizenship
PLUS leaf printing and bingo, paper pots and seed planting, bee bombs, bean lifecycle and who's that butterfly?

Share 'your vision' for your school with pupils from other schools and gain exciting new skills that can be shared with your classmates back at school.

Francis Hyland, author and co-ordinator at Eco-Schools will be joining us via zoom.

The event will commence at 10am and end at 2.15pm.


Join us for our fun and exciting Eco-Schools Activity Day at Truro Cathedral, St Mary's Road, Truro for our Eco-Schools Activity Day. We will meet in the Chapter House, accessed from the steps in the cathedral car park.

Drinks and healthy snacks will be provided. All children will need to bring a packed lunch. Tea/Coffee and Pasties provided for accompanying adults and volunteers.

The heating is generally not on in the cathedral during March, so warm clothes are advised!



Eco-Schools Activity Day

Wednesday 12th March 2025 10 am - 2.15pm Truro Cathedral, TR1 2FQ


Truro Cathedral
14 St Mary's Street