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Roll and Relax

Sunday, 22 September '24   2pm – 4pm BST
Love Yoga, 42 Union Terrace, Aberdeen, AB10 1TP
8 spaces available


Roll and Relax

Become unstuck at this fascial release class. 2 hours of restful rolling using therapy balls, the sticky texture of the balls are designed to create friction, improving the slide and glide between fascial layers. This has a wonderful relaxing impact on the nervous system as well as helping increase mobility, improve breathing as well as easing aches and pains.

All equipment needed is provided, feel free to take your own yoga mat if you prefer. Wear comfortable clothes, layers are good to ensure you remain comfortable throughout the session.


All equipment needed is provided, feel free to take your own yoga mat if you prefer. Wear comfortable clothes, layers are good to ensure you remain comfortable throughout the session.



Roll and Relax

9 available


Love Yoga
42 Union Terrace
AB10 1TP


  • Toilets