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UK Scent Sport - Scent Detection Class

Tuesday, 25 February '25   6:30pm – 8:30pm GMT
Skelton Village Hall, 1 Brecksfield, Skelton, York, YO30 1YB
Fully booked
UK Scent Sport - Scent Detection Class

Waiting list

This event is fully booked, but you can add yourself to the waiting list.

Enter your details below to be informed by email when a place becomes available. You must respond promptly to the email to secure a place if one becomes available.

You will be notified by email if a space becomes available.
This is optional but may be useful for the event organiser.


Open to all levels - scent detections skills, dogs will be searching for red KONG. Skills covered will include indication training, linear searches and area searches.
Dog will work individually.


All you will need is:
*A medium or large red KONG - don’t worry if your dog already uses a KONG, this is a good thing, but it has to be red
*A range of your dog’s favourite rewards in the form of toys and food – we need lots of rewards so bring plenty
*A well-fitting, Y shaped harness and lead or flat collar
*A settle mat if you dog has one
*Water and a bowl - sniffing is thirst work



UK SS Continuation class



Skelton Village Hall
1 Brecksfield
YO30 1YB