Welcome to Moo Music in Needham Market and Great Blakenham! We offer sessions every Thursday in Needham Market and Friday in Gt Blakenham.
If you're not sure which class would be best suited to your child, please don't hesitate to get in touch. All ages detailed below are a guide only, and we can be flexible to accommodate peoples needs.
Our Mixed Moo sessions are aimed at children up to 5 years of age and are ideal for siblings of different ages.
Our Mini / Maxi Moo sessions are aimed at those confidently crawling / wobbly walking up to 3 years old.
Our Baby to Mini Moo sessions are aimed specifically from newborn to crawling / wobbly walking (around 18 months of age). Babies under 8 weeks old can attend for FREE*.
(*excludes mini terms / one offs / Easter and Christmas specials and Moo in the Dark).
To view alternative sessions with "Farmer Suzi" in Stowmarket - click here
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