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Friday, 14 June '24   3 days
The Stables Yoga Centre, 10A Nunmill Street, York, YO23 1NU


We are incredibly pleased to have the the amazing Sarah Durney Hatcher visit Ashtanga Yoga York to teach a weekend workshop,

"Successful and Soulful Ashtanga Yoga Practice"

Here’s a little background on Sarah….
Sarah grew up in the US in the Reno, Nevada / Lake Tahoe area. After years of competitive ski racing and playing soccer, her mental and physical well-being had had enough. Sarah found yoga as a teenager and began ashtanga yoga in 2000, and hasn't stopped since. She has practiced with Śri K Pattabhi Jois, Sharath Jois, and spent her earliest years of practice with Nancy Gilgoff and Christine Hoar. Her present teachers, David Garrigues and Dena Kingsberg have taught her the practice through Advanced B. Sarah studies Sanskrit chanting with her teacher David Miliotis and teaches a weekly chanting class online. 
Sarah teaches workshops and retreats around Europe as well as runs a small Mysore programme in Dublin, where she lives with her two sons Dashiel and Calvin. When she isn't on the mat she is climbing indoors and outside, running after her boys, and planning their next outdoor adventure.
Listen to more about Sarah during this interview with Harmony Slater in 2022:

5.30pm- 7.15pm
"Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga Practice: the Art of Successful Long term Practice"
Join Sarah for an introduction to Ashtanga Yoga with a study of Surya Namaskar, the Art of Vinyasa and a look at the ujjayi breath and the subtle bandhas which support our practises. This class is an all-levels class, suitable for the newbie to ashtanga yoga as well as the seasoned practitioner. 

"Mysore class with an Introduction to the Five Allies of Practice"
Join Sarah for this unique Mysore class on Saturday morning. All levels new and seasoned are welcome to attend this morning Mysore class: this is guided self practice where students practice the series they are currently working on in a group environment. Sarah will teach this class by offering adjustments, demonstrations and verbal instruction specific to each student. The first fifteen minutes will be guided Surya Namaskara A and B; this is to offer detailed instruction for those new to the practice as well as for those looking for specific instruction on the supportive allies of successful practice: bandha (internal locks), drishti (looking points), breath (ujjayi pranayama), vinyasa (movement and breath attentiveness) and dhyana (meditation)

2.30pm 4.30pm
“Samastitiḥ Study: how to Build Stability and Freedom in Yoga"
Join Sarah for an investigation of what it means to practice with samastitiḥ integrity. With a look at Samastitiḥ, we will take this awareness further and take a look at the great twists (Marichyasana D and Pasasana) and inversions (Shoulderstand and headstand)  in the ashtanga yoga practice. Bandhas and stability are required for both, and this class will look at how to stay safe when twisting and moving upside down.

"Chanting and Bhakti: The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali and the Yoga Tārāvali"
Sarah will discuss the philosophy that supports the practice of ashtanga yoga: these two texts, The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali and the Yoga Tārāvali by Ādi Śankāra. There will be a lesson on sanskrit pronunciation and the art of chanting. All students are welcome, no need for chanting experience before. Please bring your favourite Yoga Sutra book with you for this class. 

8.30am -11.00am:
"An Introduction to the Intermediate Series with Pranayama"
[Come early for a  8.30 am start for guided Pranayama]
Alternatively arrive at 9.00 am and join Sarah for a lively led introduction to intermediate series class. Sarah will offer detailed descriptions of each asana, their respective vinyasas, and offer hands-on adjustments as well as demonstrate what she has learned from her teachers David Garrigues and Dena Kingsberg. Proficiency in primary series is required to attend this morning's class. 

"The Backbends of Ashtanga Yoga: a Workshop on the Art of Mindful Backending "
Join Sarah for a look at the classic and foundational backbends of ashtanga yoga. How do we backbend with stamina, stability, and freedom? Where is the foundation in your backbend? Explore postures like Urdvha Mukho Svanasana (Upward Dog), Parsvottanasana (East facing posture) and Urdvha Dhanurasana (Upward Bow). This all levels class brings light and clarity on how to maintain a safe and healthy spine as one matures in their practice of yoga. Class ends with a demonstration on some key backbending practices. 


Terms & conditions
For all workshops we will provide a full refund (less 15% admin fee) to those who cancel 60 days before the workshop commences. After this time, there will be no refund unless your place can be secured from a waiting list, in which case your fee will be refunded (less a 15% admin fee). Should the event be cancelled by Ashtanga Yoga York you will be offered a refund.

Due to teacher cancellations, low bookings or other situations outside of our control, some courses may be temporarily or permanently unavailable. We reserve the right to make any changes to our programme, courses or teachers. Alternative arrangements are offered to the best of our ability but, if not taken up, we do not accept responsibility for any costs incurred, including travel costs.

We ask that you tell the teacher if you have any particular pre-existing injury or illness that is relevant. We advise that if you are feeling any pain or illness during any class you should stop and rest.




Ticket valid for this event only.


The Stables Yoga Centre
10A Nunmill Street
YO23 1NU