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All Seasons Mantrailing

What is Mantrailing?
Mantrailing is teaching your dog to find a specific person, using their scent. This is done using only positive reinforcement methods to help dogs use their nose for fun. The sense of smell is the dogs most distinct sense so we are harnessing this and having a great game where you work together to find the ‘missing person’.
This sport is suitable for all ages, and breeds. There is no age limit involved, and we welcome dogs that can be nervous or reactive. Dogs are worked one at a time, resting in the car in between, therefore they do not have to work around the others in the group. Dogs are worked on a long line at all times, meaning that your dog does not need perfect recall.

Why Mantrailing?
Fun, it’s a great game with you and your dog working together
Over time this can help to increase your dog’s confidence
You will learn different things in terms of body language that your dog is communicating to you whilst trailing, in essence learning to ‘read’ them
The dogs have to use their nose and brain so it can be a great exercise for tiring them out
Community – we have a lot of fun when out trailing. We have small groups and we start every session talking about what each dog needs, everyone is respectful of dog need for space and their preference

The first thing you need is an introduction. Sign up to our 3 hour + Introduction workshop held on site at Watercombe Dogs Holnest. This will give you theory as well as helping to introduce you and your dog to the game. Each team will do three short trails and you will get to hide for others in the group.

Once this is done you can join us on ‘progression sessions’. These again are circa 3 hours, and have varying locations. We have mixed ability groups so you can jump in to those most suitable for you in terms of locations and timing.

Any questions please get in touch

From 1 Mar 2025
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Times shown in timezone: London