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Mantrailing Introduction Workshop

Saturday, 21 September '24   1:30pm – 4:30pm BST
Only 1 space left


Introduction to Mantrailing with a Mantrailing Global instructor.
This is a three hour session to introduce you and your dog to the wonderful world of Mantrailing. Where we teach dogs to find people – based on their scent.

Within this session we will cover

Mantrailing/scent theory
An intro to line handling
Finding the BEST reward for your dog
Harness Options for trailing
Long line options
3 Trails for each dog and handler team
How to progress


This is held onsite at Watercombe Dogs Holnest, and is approximately 3 hours long. Max 6 Dog & Handler Teams.

Please note the following:

Dogs will be in cars when they are not trailing therefore please arrived prepared for this.
Dog must be wearing a harness in order to trail for safety reasons. Trailing on a collar is not permitted



1 Handler, 1 Dog

1 available
Introduction session space for one handler and one dog.