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More DIY Plumbing- Taps, Traps & Wastes - Half-Day Workshop

Saturday, 12 October '24   2pm – 5:30pm BST
bePractical Ltd, 33 Brislington Hill, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 5BE
16 years and over
Fully booked
More DIY Plumbing- Taps, Traps & Wastes - Half-Day Workshop

Waiting list

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Building on the essential DIY plumbing skills in Beginners Plumbing, we lead you onto the world of taps....

We’ll show you how they work, how to install them, decommission them and repair & replace them.

Then we will move onto wastes and traps. If your tap is working, then you definitely want your wastes and traps to be working as well.

You’ll learn how to identify different types of trap, how to take them apart, and remove blockages.

This another hands-on DIY workshop, which will teach you good practice and explain how taps, traps & wastes work.

As with all our workshops, we want you to end the day with greater understanding and loads of DIY confidence.

Level: Beginner, Intermediate


We will provide all materials, tools etc. However, if you want to bring along your own tools, ongoing projects etc. then feel free to do so.

We also have hot drinks – tea, coffee etc. Feel free to bring your own additional refreshments, if you want to.

We recommend wearing old clothing, and sturdy shoes.

If you would like to bring your own PPE (Personal Protectve Equipment), please feel free to do so.

We will provide PPE, but we know that some people would prefer to use their own. (We recommend that you mark them up with your names, so that you can identify them)



DIY Plumbing - Mod 2 - Taps, Traps & Wastes

One Participant on bePractical DIY Plumbing - Module 2 - Taps, Traps & Wastes - Half Day Course


bePractical Ltd
33 Brislington Hill


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