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Cwtsho Coed Forest School Online Booking

Mae Cwtsho Coed Forest School yn ysgol goedwig ddwyieithog yn Coed Hirwaun, Margam SA13 2TX. Ein datganiad o genhadaeth yw 'Maethu cariad at nature am oes'. Mae ein sesiynnau yn cael eu harwain gan y plant ac mae digon o gyfle I chwarae rhydd yn ogystal a'r opsiwn o gwneud gweithareddau megis crefft natur. mae cegin baw, hamog, pabell ddarllen, nant i badlo, siglen a acer o goedwig i ddarganfod. Mae tost, siocled poeth, marshmallows neu popcorn yn y pris, I gyd wedi'u gwneud ar y tân. Dewch 'nôl at eich coed' gyda ni.

Cwtsho Coed Forest School is a bilingual forest school in Coed Hirwaun, Margam SA13 2TX. Our mission statement is 'Nurturing a love of nature for life'. Our sessions are led by the children and there is plenty of opportunity to play freely as well as the option of doing activities such as nature crafts. We have a mud kitchen, swing, hammock, a stream to paddle in and an acre of woodland to explore. Toast, hot chocolate, marshmallows or popcorn are included in the price, all made on the fire. Come 'back to your trees' with us.

From 27 Jul 2024
July, 2024
29 Mon 9:30am BST
17 Sat 10:30am BST
19 Mon 9:30am BST
Times shown in timezone: London