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After booking, a place will be reserved for you on the event.

Cancellation of a 1-Day Event:

  • If you cancel more than 1 week before the event, you will receive a refund minus the 35% deposit.
  • If you cancel less than 1 week before the event you will be charged 50% of the booking.
  • If you cancel less than 24 hours before the event you will be charged 100% of the booking. We believe this is the fairest possible way as we are limited on spaces for each event. We strongly recommend you take out cancellation and curtailment insurance.

Cancellation of a Multi-day Event or External bookings such as SUP/Via Ferrata:

Due to external factors such as Ferry tickets, campsite pitches, and activity bookings, these trips are non-refundable from the time of booking. We strongly recommend you take out cancellation and curtailment insurance.

In the event that BEE Adventures must cancel an event before the intended event date, you will receive a full refund for the event fee. We will always seek a viable alternative if possible. We will not be held responsible for other losses (Accommodation, fuel costs, food, etc) that occurred due to the cancellation of the event. Again, for this reason, we recommend you take out cancellation and curtailment insurance.