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Hoopers Beginners Course


Canine Hoopers is a super fun low-impact sport that can be done by all dogs!

The dogs learn to go through hoops, around barrels and through tunnels while paying attention to their handler’s directions. It improves your communication, your dog’s... [Læs mere]

Scent Detection Workshop


Scent Detection is the perfect activity for all dogs that have a nose!
We harness their natural desire to sniff and teach them to indicate on a target scent. This is a fantastic team sport that enhances communication and relationship between dog... [Læs mere]

Mantrailing Introduction Workshop


In Mantrailing we are training dogs to find a specific person by following their scent trail.

This is a fantastic sport for all dogs and while these skills are widely used by Search and Rescue teams all over the world, we are doing it just for... [Læs mere]

Canicross Beginners Virtual Course


Canicross is trail running with your dog. It is a dog-supported sport that brings you both together as a team while you're on the trails. It's super fun, great for dogs that love pulling and a fantastic way to combine dog and human exercise.

Our... [Læs mere]

Bootcamp 1 session


A take on circuit training for dogs, we will combine elements from strength & conditioning, trick training and various sports to make each session interesting and you go home with a tired dog and new learning.

Each week has different exercises, so... [Læs mere]

Scent Adventure


Scent Adventures are super fun for all involved! It's a group activity where your dogs find clues and the humans ork together to solve the mystery. Throughout the year we run various themed events, check our schedule for upcoming adventures.

VIP Coaching Package


Private coaching is great if you can't or don't want to join a group or you may wish to work on your handling specifically. We offer this option for Hoopers, Scent Detection, Mantrailing and Tricks.

Our private venue provides a low distraction... [Læs mere]

Single Membership


Our Membership is a great option if you do 2 or more activities per week with us!
Join the community and get

10% off ALL online bookings (except guest trainer events)
A special gift once a year
Priority booking for ALL classes, courses,... [Læs mere]

Family Membership


Our Membership is a great option if you do 2 or more activities per week with us!
Join the community and get

10% off ALL online bookings (except guest trainer events)
A special gift once a year
Priority booking for ALL classes, courses,... [Læs mere]







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