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August 2024 Competitions

A lot of hard work goes into putting on our competitions and we often have to turn people away as we are fully booked. As you can imagine, it is very frustrating when we have late cancellations, or no shows on the day, as it is then too late to offer those slots to somebody else.

Therefore as of the 1st July 2023 we have implemented a policy whereby if you have booked into a competition and cancel within 48hrs of the competition date, or do not turn up on the day, you will forfeit your booking deposit to cover your cancellation. If you are booking for other competition entrants alongside yourself, please make sure they are aware of the cancellation policy, since it will apply to them equally.

Should you make any changes to your squad/start time/day and have booked on behalf of others, please make sure you inform everyone in your squad of any changes made.

Fra 20 maj 2024
august, 2024
25 søn 09:00 BST
09:20 BST
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10:20 BST
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11:20 BST
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12:20 BST
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13:20 BST
13:40 BST
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14:20 BST
14:40 BST
Tider vist i tidszone: London