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The Inner Smile Project

Meditation classes
Stress coach for children and adults
Mindfulness 6 week one to one classes.
Corporate Wellness

Fra 21 sep 2024
september, 2024
24 tir 10:30 BST
26 tor 11:00 BST
19:00 BST
27 fre 10:30 BST
1 tir 10:30 BST
3 tor 11:00 BST
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4 fre 10:30 BST
8 tir 10:30 BST
10 tor 11:00 BST
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11 fre 10:30 BST
15 tir 10:30 BST
17 tor 11:00 BST
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18 fre 10:30 BST
22 tir 10:30 BST
24 tor 11:00 BST
19:00 BST
25 fre 10:30 BST
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