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Pevnev Ballet Academy Adult Ballet classes booking page

What to expect:
Our primary focus will be on cultivating a strong foundation. We’ll dive into the intricacies of posture, allowing you to discover the power of proper alignment. Through tailored exercises, you’ll develop a keen awareness of how your body’s placement affects your movements.

Incorporating gentle stretches and targeted strengthening routines, we’ll work together to enhance your flexibility and stamina. As we progress, we’ll seamlessly integrate these techniques into simple yet elegant ballet exercises.

Discount packages bookings:
10 classes - $40 off
15 classes - $75 off
20 classes - $120 off
You can choose any classes during the term and package discount will apply automatically (depends on number of classes you choose).

Fra 11 maj 2024
Ingen begivenheder
Tider vist i tidszone: Perth