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Sussex Environmental Health


We request that activities booked by customers are not cancelled lightly because staff/facility/programme planning is often influenced by numbers. Resources are committed to and refunds take up administrative time. Also some activities have strictly limited capacities and if full up some potential customers have to be turned away. Some activities require a minimum number of participants to be reached to become viable to run. Occasionally we may have to cancel activities but we never does so lightly.

Customer Cancellation
If a customer requests cancellation with at least 14 days' notice it will be refunded in full. For most activities where a customer requests cancellation with at least 7 days' notice a full refund will be given but in the occasional case where the Council is at risk of suffering loss as a consequence a refund request may be denied. For cancellations of less than 7 days' the Council reserves the right to refuse refund requests and will only do so at its discretion and on a goodwill basis.

HDC Cancellation
Sometimes activities may be cancelled at shorter notice by HDC as the provider because of low numbers, weather and other factors outside our control. Where cancellation is due to insufficient numbers we will endeavour to inform those booked with a minimum of 3 days' notice and provide a full refund. Weather/other cancellations prior to and during activities will be communicated soon as possible and reasonable in relation to the practicalities of the particular situation. Prior weather/other cancellations will attract full refunds and ones made during events will lead to a partial or full refund depending on the circumstances. Weather cancellations will only be made where the weather is sufficiently poor to merit them and outdoor activities such as football and cycling will still take place in moderately poor rain/cold weather. Where a customer does not attend on the basis of their weather based decision-making but the activity proceeds a refund will not be issued.