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The Boogie Babies🪩🎶


Come and join our baby wearing dance classes for a fun and active way for you to bond with your babies while getting in some exercise! In these classes, parents wear their babies in your own baby carrier while learning various dance moves and routines. We understand that wearing your baby for the full class may not be possible so we also offer a boogie baby zone for your little ones to play while you get to dance! 💪🏻

Fra 16 maj 2024
maj, 2024
16 tor 11:00 BST
14:00 BST
21 tir 12:00 BST
22 ons Kursus: 2 datoers
23 tor 11:00 BST
14:00 BST
28 tir 12:00 BST
30 tor 11:00 BST
14:00 BST
Tider vist i tidszone: London