Gå til hovedindhold

Please select the class you would like to book from the list below, then just follow the instructions, it's really simple.

If this is your first time booking a class, please just get in touch with us first either by email, phone, text or our contact page.

  • If this is your first class booking, please just follow the booking process through to the end, and check the “Agree to offline payment” option, then just pay for your first session in class.
  • You don't have to pay now, just reserve your space. You can pay on the day of class but you can pay now if you would like to.
  • You can book up to two places per class, and a month in advance if you wish.
  • Classes are reserved for 15mins after adding them to your basket.
  • You can cancel your class up to one hour before attending.
  • You can create a password the first time you use the booking site to make it quicker next time you book a class.
Fra 18 apr 2024
april, 2024
18 tor 19:30 BST
21 søn 10:00 BST
22 man 09:30 BST
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23 tir 10:30 BST
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24 ons 19:00 BST
25 tor 19:30 BST
28 søn 10:00 BST
29 man 09:30 BST
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30 tir 10:30 BST
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1 ons 19:00 BST
2 tor 19:30 BST
12 søn 10:00 BST
13 man 09:30 BST
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14 tir 10:30 BST
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15 ons 19:00 BST
Tider vist i tidszone: London