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Wellington Curriculum Play Workshop on Clay @ Ngaio Playcentre

Donnerstag, 28 Juni '18   19:15 – 21:45 NZST
Ngaio Playcentre | Preschool Education, 50 Silverstream Road, Crofton Downs, Wellington, 6035


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This workshop is the final one in the Playcentre Introductory Award series. There are potentially 3 places for students who need to catch up on another play workshop in order to complete their requirements for Course 2 or Course 3. If this series does not reach 12 there may potentially be more places for students needing this catch up.

Facilitator: Barbara Hobden


Ngaio Playcentre | Preschool Education
50 Silverstream Road
Crofton Downs

Centre is Nut Free