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Pine Needle and Sweetgrass Basketry, with Linda Conroy

Sunday, 12 March '23   9am – 4:30pm CDT
Kickapoo Culinary Center, Gays Mills, WI
12 years and over
Fully booked

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Explore the creative possibilities of this traditional skill as you design and complete a coiled basket using pine needles and sweetgrass. Herbalist Linda Conroy will guide and instruct you on how to coil and stitch a simple basket as well as integrate other materials into your basket, such as black walnut hull, pine cone, beads, and more.

This class is a great opportunity for both beginners and intermediate weavers to learn and expand on their skills.

Date: Sunday, March 12, 2023
Time: 9AM - 4:30PM
Ages: 12+
Location: Kickapoo Culinary Center, Gays Mills, WI
Materials Fee: $20
Lunch is Provided.

Sliding Scale Price Guidelines (prices do not include Materials Fees)

Supporter Level Ticket: $115
If you are someone who moves through the world with relative financial ease – with enough discretionary funds to fulfill many of your wants as well as your needs, consider paying at this level, which will support both the Folk School and its instructors, along with others in the community.

Sustainer Level Ticket: $90
If you need to budget your educational and entertainment spending – perhaps you can take classes and eat out occasionally as long as you are mindful – consider paying at this level, which will help sustain the Folk School at a modest level.

Supported Level Ticket: $65
If you struggle to fund your basic needs, or carry a burden of debt or support for others in your family or community, consider paying at this level, allowing the Folk School and our contributors to fulfill our goals toward supporting and enriching our community.


Bring a small pair of scissors, a thimble, and reading glasses if needed. All other supplies will be provided.



FD Supporter

Includes Materials Fee and Lunch

FD Sustainer

Includes materials fee and lunch.

FD Supported

Includes materials fee and lunch


Kickapoo Culinary Center, Gays Mills, WI