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Winter Wilderness Skills, with Nicholas WazeeGale

Saturday, 19 February '22   9am – 4:30pm CST
Kickapoo Valley Reserve, La Farge, WI
12 years and over
Only 2 spaces left


This will be an entirely outdoor program in wilderness skills, tracking, observation, way finding, meeting your needs, staying safe, and enjoying the subtleties of the winter landscape. If you want to become more observant, resourceful, at home, or just have a day of fun in the cold and snow, this will be a great time of getting immersed in winter. We will make discoveries, cook on the fire, hike deep into the woods and get lost (just a little) in this experience. Participants will need to be able to hike hills in snow much of the day, and have insulated boots, and good layering on themselves.

Date: Saturday, February 19, 2022
Registration Deadline: 1/31/22
Time: 9AM - 4:30PM
Location: Kickapoo Valley Reserve, La Farge, WI
Ages: 12+
Materials Fee: 0

Sliding Scale Course Fee Guidelines

Supporter Level Ticket: $110
If you are someone who finds it easy to move in the world financially – with enough discretionary funds to fulfill many of your wants as well as your needs, consider paying at this level, which will support both the Folk School and its instructors, along with others in the community.

Sustainer Level Ticket: $85
If you need to budget your educational and entertainment spending – you can take classes and eat out occasionally as long as you are mindful – consider paying at this level, which will help sustain the Folk School at a modest level.

Supported Level Ticket: $60
If you struggle to fund your basic needs, or carry a burden of debt or support for others in your family or community, consider paying at this level, allowing the Folk School and our contributors to fulfill our goals toward supporting and enriching our community.

Level: Beginner


Please bring a comfortable medium size backpack with at least a liter of water and a snack, and with enough room for some ingredients for our stew.

Insulated boots, preferably boots with liners, are necessary!!!

Warm layers on upper and lower body, good mitts, and hat are all needed for our time out. A basic sheath knife and a fire-starters are welcome for our activities and testing.



FD Supporter

Available until Fri 18 Feb '22 11:45pm
Ticket price includes lunch and materials.

FD Sustainer

Available until Fri 18 Feb '22 11:45pm
Ticket price includes lunch and materials.

FD Supported

Available until Fri 18 Feb '22 11:45pm
Ticket price includes lunch and materials


Kickapoo Valley Reserve, La Farge, WI