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Hartford Yoga

All courses require a commitment to all sessions. No refunds/credits can be made for weeks unattended unless cancelled by Hartford Yoga in which case a full refund or credit will be made to you. This applies to all 'pay as you go/drop in' places too, you may request to transfer to a new date if available or class credit can be issued if you cancel your place with more than 24 hours notice. Class sizes are small and limited and places are incredible hard to refill at the last minute.

Politica de reembolso

All courses require a commitment to all sessions. No refunds/credits can be made for weeks unattended unless cancelled by Hartford Yoga in which case a full refund or credit will be made to you. This applies to all 'pay as you go/drop in' places too, you may request to transfer to a new date if available or class credit can be issued if you cancel or transfer your place with more than 24 hours notice. Class sizes are small and limited and places are incredible hard to refill at the last minute.
Any classes cancelled by Hartford Yoga will be refunded in full.