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Class Schedule

🚨 When booking, please be sure to go through all the steps until you see a green confirmation box with a reference number. This demonstrates that your booking has been successful.
In the case of offline payments, please then use this reference number in your payment reference so I can directly match the payment to the booking.

Important class information:
• Please arrive 5 minutes before class begins.
• Wear comfortable, layered clothing.
• If you have any recurring injuries/aches or pains please let me know before the class starts.

Sign up to get your first class free! 💌 Get directions to Verve Wellness Studio 📍 Get directions to the Boat House, Box End 📍 Root to Rise 🌱 The Calm Collective ✨ Yoga in the Jungle 🪴
De 27 jul 2024
julio, 2024
28 dom 09:30 BST
29 lun 19:00 BST
30 mar 09:30 BST
18:00 BST
19:15 BST
1 jue 12:15 BST
19:00 BST
4 dom 09:30 BST
5 lun 19:00 BST
6 mar 09:30 BST
18:00 BST
19:15 BST
8 jue 12:15 BST
19:00 BST
10 sáb 10:00 BST
11:15 BST
12:30 BST
13:45 BST
11 dom 09:30 BST
11:00 BST
Horarios mostrados en la zona horaria: London