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4 Class Pack

£42.00Permite la entrada a 4clases. Se requiere reserva previa.
El pase se puede usar para:
  • ⭕ Beginner/Improver Hoop

A bundle of 4 class credits at the slightly reduced rate of £42 for students who like to attend regularly.

Valid for 6 weeks from the date of first use, non-transferable and the 24 hour cancellation policy still applies.

8 Class Pack

£80.00Permite la entrada a 8clases. Se requiere reserva previa.
El pase se puede usar para:
  • ⭕ Beginner/Improver Hoop

A bundle of 8 class credits at the slightly reduced rate of £80 for students who like to attend regularly - saving you £8!

Valid for 12 weeks from the date of first use, non-transferable and the 24 hour cancellation policy still applies.

Aerial 1:1 Bundle

£150.00Permite la entrada a 4clases. Se requiere reserva previa.
El pase no es actualmente válido para ningún evento próximo.

Purchase 4 x 1:1 sessions upfront for a slightly reduced rate.

Valid for 8 weeks from the first date of use, non-transferable and the 24 hour cancellation policy still applies.

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