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ABC of Research Data Management

jeudi, 26 septembre '24   15:00 – 16:30 CEST
ABC of Research Data Management

Il s'agit d'un événement en ligne.

Les instructions pour rejoindre l'événement seront fournies après la réservation.


Effective Research Data Management (RDM) is essential for ensuring the quality, durability, and reproducibility of your scientific work over time. EPFL adheres to the F.A.I.R. data principles, advocating for the proper management of data and code. In this introductory course, you will gain a foundational understanding of RDM, and explore the EPFL services that can better meet your needs. Interactive Q&A and peer exchanges will help you gain insights into the application of these principles in your research endeavors.

At the end of this workshop, which will be held on Zoom only, you will be able to:

  • Identify F.A.I.R. data practices;
  • Recognize the right EPFL services that meet your RDM needs.

This training requires no prior specific knowledge. For more in-depth workshops on specific data management aspects, register for Data Management Planning & Funding, Data Organization & Storage Solutions or Data/Code Publication.


Thanks for registering!

Please note that this workshop will be held on Zoom only.

If you can't make it, please let us know as soon as possible so we can admit someone else from the waiting list.

Looking forward to meeting you!
The EPFL Library - Teaching Team


Une place / One seat

Informations sur l'événement en ligne