Exercise Referral (Healthy You Plus)
Firstly, welcome to our booking page!
Via this page, you can book for any of the Exercise Referral Healthy You Plus classes, which include: Start-Up (Level 1 classes), Maintenance (Level 2 classes), Cardiac Rehabilitation and Cancer rehabilitation classes. All classes are provided by Cambridge City Council's Active Lifestyle department and delivered by specialist fitness professionals.
Access to the classes featured below may require a health professional referral and a specific invitation by an exercise referral instructor. If you have completed the exercise referral triage form online, you may have been signposted to this page following your responses. If you have not already done so, please contact startup@cambridge.gov.uk before booking.
To discover what classes might be right for you, please check out our YouTube playlist for some short insight videos of what is available: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6kb7p-xkw1wXxh0_I6NgIXpIN6nSEB-w
You must book classes in advance to ensure you have an allocated space. Booking will also mean that we can easily contact you with further information about class cancellations or changes should we need to. For some classes, you can pay by cash on arrival but we still ask that you book in advance of attending. If you choose to pay by cash on attendance, please try to bring the correct change. Where possible, we would preference you paying online to limit the need for cash handling at venues.
If you wish to access an exercise referral class at a Healthwise (GLL) site, please contact healthwisecambridge@GLL.org for details on how you can do this.
The service also provides online home exercise videos in yoga & pilates. Please contact startup@cambridge.gov.uk for more information on how you can access these for free.
Please arrive promptly to sessions/assessments with a drink, any prescriptive emergency medications and a resistance band, if required for the class.
Your instructor will know to expect you but should there be any changes in your medical or emergency contact information before your attendance, please be sure to notify your instructor.
You can use the buttons below to filter classes by location, instructor or type:
Marlene's classes Robert's classes Jake's classes Chesterton classes Hills Road classes Meadows classes Nightingale pavilion classes Start-up (Level 1) Maintenance (Level 2) Cardiac Rehabilitation Cancer Rehabilitation Well-being walks Social events Workshops