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Hot Topic: User Experience Strategy -- Sessions 1 & 2

Tuesday, 18 September '18   2 days
Innovative’s Virtual Classroom


In today’s competitive digital market, users demand a positive experience. Ensuring that library users have the best experience possible when using the library’s products is a process in which we’re all involved. That process starts with a strategy that includes an understanding of your users’ current experience, their behaviors, motivations and goals.
How do you develop a long-term plan? How do you get the detailed vision necessary to create that product or service that will provide your users with an ideal experience during their interaction with all library touchpoints so that they return?
Join user experience librarian and user experience strategist, Rebecca Blakiston from The University of Arizona Libraries, and Innovative Library Consultants for a conversation that answers these questions and more about the design thinking, user research, content strategy that drive a successful design strategy. Rebecca will share real world examples of techniques which you can easily adapt for your library’s user experience design. Leave these sessions with a deeper understanding of user experience (UX) design and the development of a successful strategy to use in your library.

Session 1 – Tuesday, September 18 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM PT
Session 2 – Tuesday, September 25 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM PT

Course Outline
Why User Experience (UX) Design?
Basic Principles and steps in User Experience Design
Steps involved in creating activities and interactions to enhance the user experience
Setting a Foundation for the Future

Presenter Details
Rebecca Blakiston

Rebecca Blakiston is the User Experience Librarian at the University of Arizona Libraries in Tucson, Arizona. She provides oversight, management, and strategic planning for the library’s user experience, specializing in systematic usability testing, content strategy, and writing with the user in mind. She has presented and published extensively, and authored two practical guides: Usability Testing: A Practical Guide for Librarians, and the 2017 book, Writing Effectively in Print and on the Web: A Practical Guide for Librarians. She’s also Editor-in chief at Weave : Journal of Library User Experience..



Register for these sessions

Please use this link for Express Registration for both sessions of this Hot Topic.
Sessions takes place from 9-11:00 AM PT



Innovative’s Virtual Classroom