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Integrative Psychology: Education

Refund policy


Purpose and Overview
The purpose of this policy is to detail the process in which fees and refunds are managed at Integrative Psychology Training & Consulting (IPT&C).

This policy applies to all fees charged for courses, workshops and associated administrative matters at IPT&C

This policy outlines the basis on which IPT&C charges fees, outlines the fee types and charges and the provisions of refunds. IPT&C Institute has established fees payable by a student as set out in the fee schedule published online. This schedule will outline:
• Fees per course including upfront discounts and payment plan options
• Method of payment
• Due date for payment of fees by course
• Administrative fees

Students must enrol prior to the course commencement. IPT&C has payment options that include upfront payment and payment plans, enrolments close to the course commencement date may not be eligible for a payment plan. Fee schedules and payment options are published online

IPT&C recognises that from time to time a refund may be required for a specific student, in most cases enrolment fees are non refundable after the commencement of a course

Students wishing to apply for a refund must do so by completing the IPT&C Application for Refund form online Complete Form Here . This will be assessed by the senior management team and you will be notified of the outcome in writing within 14 business days.Where a student withdraws from study in a course 28 days prior to the commencement date they
will receive a refund of their tuition fees paid less an administration fee of $50.00. There will be no refund due to expulsion or disciplinary actions

Where a participant withdraws from a training or workshop 5 business days prior to the commencement they will receive a refund of the fees paid less an administration fee of $50.00.

Where Integrative Psychology cancel a course or training the student will receive 100% refund of course fees paid


  • Course means ongoing training consisting of 3 or more days
  • Workshop means a training that could vary from 1 hour up to 3 days in duration. It can consist of lecture, experiential aspect such as role plays, triads or dyads -Tuition Fees means fees received by IPT&C relating to a course or workshop for a student
  • Withdrawal means to discontinue study
  • Business Days means 9.00am – 5.00pm Melbourne time, Monday to Friday, excluding Australian and Victorian (state) public holidays.
  • Student means anyone enrolled in a course or workshop through IPT&C