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Welcome to Pilates at Physiofusion

At Physiofusion, our Pilates classes are taught by Chartered Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and specialist Pilates instructors.
While most of our classes are studio classes, we have retained a zoom option for our Back Pain Class.
We have installed a medical grade 'Novaerus' Air Disinfection unit to provide the purest air possible for our clients and staff.

Our class sizes are kept small (max of 6/7 participants in studio) so that we can ensure a safe environment and supervise each individual so we can provide personalised feedback so you can enjoy great results!

Our full schedule offers Pregnancy & Postnatal Pilates classes along with our range of Back Pain Pilates, Pilates for All, Osteoporosis, Senior Men, Improver Pilates and lastly our over 50's Strength & core class.
While most classes run as a 7 week course, classes can be joined during a term where space permits.

Please email us on, or call Sarah on 01-6077104 if we can help you with any aspect of the booking process or to help you choose the right class for you.
A pdf of our timetable is available on our website

Politica di rimborso

Please note that this course fee is non-refundable.
(Credit may be offered on receipt of a medical note, at the discretion of Physiofusion).