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Curing and Cutting Quills Successfully

Wednesday, 16 October '24   7pm – 9pm BST
16 spaces available
Curing and Cutting Quills Successfully

This is an online event.

Joining instructions will be provided after booking.


Learn how to successfully cure and cut feathers so they become quills that actually write well. In this online workshop we’ll explore two ways of curing the feathers, followed by a demonstration of how to cut them to be suitable for right/left-handers and for certain scripts. And – because they often don’t work efficiently to start off with, we’ll troubleshoot the likely problems.


You’ll be asked to mute your sound, but there will be opportunities to ask questions and contribute to the processes.

Please type your email address accurately and book your place using the address you wish all the information to be sent to, otherwise you may not receive it, thank you.

After booking, PDF handouts will be emailed to you 3 days before the workshop date. The recording cannot be downloaded but will be available to view for 30 days afterwards.

Any links sent to you should not be shared with anyone else, as per the Ts & Cs, thank you.

This workshop requires specialist equipment and materials, all of which will be explained fully during the session. It would be sensible, and safer, to watch first of all and then have a go yourself, viewing the recording for any parts you may have missed, as most of the tasks would be difficult to achieve whilst in front of a screen.

The materials list is for information only – they are not necessary to have for the session.

Materials list:
• Any goose, turkey or swan feathers you may have (please ensure these are sterilized – birds can carry nasty viruses)
• A left-hand rubber glove (or right if you’re left-handed)
• About a pound / 500 g silver or children’s sand
• A small crochet hook
• Dutching tool (this will be explained)
• Domestic iron
• Quill knife, penknife, Stanley knife or scalpel (with straight blades) with a new blade
• A small ceramic tile with a smooth surface to cut on
• Masking or Mircropore tape
• Small scissors
• Ink, watercolour or gouache paints
• Paper to test the quill out on



Curing and Cutting Quills Successfully

16 available

Online event information
