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Orphic Letter Design

Saturday, 1 April '23   10am – 12pm BST
11 spaces available
Orphic Letter Design

This is an online event.

Joining instructions will be provided after booking.


Orphism was a short-lived modern art movement in the early 20th century – with canvases of swirling, colourful and curvy abstract shapes, brought together to create a vibrating, lyrical harmony. We will apply these principles to design letters and words while considering the attributes of different mediums and colour combinations for varied results. Fun for initials, unusual headings and greetings cards.


We will work through this process of design step-by-step and you can work alongside me, but using a wet medium will need drying time, so perhaps watch that part and have a go yourself afterwards, unless you are using colour pencils. We will cover various mediums but choose just one for yourself first of all.

You’ll be asked to mute your sound, but there will be opportunities to ask questions and contribute to the processes.

After booking your place PDF handouts will be emailed to you 3 days before the workshop date. The recording cannot be downloaded but will be available to view for 30 days afterwards. Any links sent to you should not be shared with anyone else, as per the Ts & Cs, thank you.

Materials list:
• Pencil, rubber, ruler
• Layout/cartridge paper for drawing the design
• Tracing and transfer paper
• A5/A4 piece of watercolour paper (approx. 300 gsm HP or NOT, suggest Fabriano, Saunders Waterford, Arches or Bockingford)
• Only one medium is necessary to begin with – any of the following: gouache, watercolour, brusho, acrylic (ink or paint) or colour pencils (perhaps aquarelles)
• Mixing brushes, palettes and water jar
• Good quality paint brushes (approx. 00 and 3 sizes)


11 available

Online event information
