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LEXVA Movement for Life

Refund policy

100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee
As we truly believe in what we do, and the impact this can have on the lives of our clients, we include a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee in all of our services when you first sign up. If you sign up for one of our Packages and, after using it (see ** below for timescales) decide for any reason that its’ not for you, we will simply refund all of your money. *T&C’s apply

  1. Requests for a full refund must be received in writing, either by email or hand delivered to Colin or Nia Roberts.
  2. Requests must be received by close of business no later than deadlines shown below.
  3. All requests for a refund after that deadline will not be considered.
  4. After this time, please refer to our Cancellation policy as set out in our Return/Refund Policy below Money Back Guarantee Deadlines ** 1 to1 Physiotherapy or Massage therapy – up to 24hours prior to appointment Return / Refund / Cancellation Policy
  5. In respect of all packages, once the Money Back Guarantee Deadline has passed, no refunds will be given. In exceptional circumstances such as a critical medical health condition or forced relocation outside of the Anglesey area, a refund may be considered and will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Medical Cancellation Cancellation is permitted where a client is not able to participate in a single session for medical reasons. A doctor’s note confirming that the client was not permitted to participate is required within 7days of missed session and, upon receipt, a credit for a make-up session will be issued.