MEET THE CELEBRANT - 6th June Thursday : 10am - 2pm
Learning, community & friendship.
Surrounded by nature in the Tipis at Wellington Wood to enjoy all things Celebrancy.
Sharing Celebrant tips, business ideas & more with fellow Celebrants.
Thursday 6th June event includes:
A talk with Colour & Style Consultant Evangeline at Vivaldi Norfolk - 'Colour Ideas for Wedding Celebrants - Colours tones to wear when holding Ceremonies'
A talk with Wedding Venue owner Vicky from Wellington Wood - 'Celebrant & Wedding Venue collaboration magic' along with top tips for 'on-the-day' Instagram stories & reels with the Wedding Venue.
Social Content Creator Denni from Confetti Socials will be creating video content from the day for all to use and share.
From 1pm - 4pm offering to all Celebrants - A free mini photo session to update your headshots. This is a relaxed mini session to create a small online private gallery of images with the option to purchase individual images or the whole gallery for a small fee. The gallery link will be sent 4 days after the event with Vicky Plum Photography.