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Flight Fitness Studio Classes

Welcome to the Flight Fitness class schedule booking system. Please see below for available classes. Looking for a particular class? Click on the filter buttons below to see only those classes and click "Schedule" to return to the whole list. Click on a class to see more information including prices and terms and conditions. Can't wait to see you in the studio!

✨ Beginners Pole Classes 🧡 Inter Adv Pole Classes 👠 Heels Classes 💜 Aerial Hoop Classes 💙 Aerial Silks Classes ❤️ Pay As You Go Classes ⭐ Courses 🩵 Private Lessons 🎄 Christmas Classes 💚 Open Training 💎 Workshops 📸 Photoshoots 🔥Events
Fra 25 apr 2024
april, 2024
25 tor. 16:00 BST
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18:10 BST
18:10 BST
18:15 BST
26 fre. 18:00 BST
18:10 BST
29 man. 11:00 BST
11:00 BST
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16:00 BST
16:00 BST
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17:00 BST
18:00 BST
18:10 BST
30 tir. 11:00 BST
Tider gjelder for tidssone: London