Gå til hovedinnhold


Please carefully read the description and instructions before you attend your first class.
When you book a pass, please ensure to "select ticket" and select the class you will attend. This will automatically deduct as a class use and you won't be charged extra.
You can get unlimited pass on a pro-rata basis if you enrol later in the term - contact Janani for more info.

Fra 10 mai 2024
mai, 2024
11 lør. 08:30 AEST
12 søn. 08:30 AEST
09:15 AEST
13 man. 19:00 AEST
19:30 AEST
20:00 AEST
14 tir. 18:30 AEST
19:30 AEST
20:30 AEST
15 ons. 19:00 AEST
20:00 AEST
16 tor. 18:45 AEST
17 fre. 18:00 AEST
19:00 AEST
18 lør. 08:30 AEST
19 søn. 08:15 AEST
09:15 AEST
20 man. 19:00 AEST
19:30 AEST
20:00 AEST
Tider gjelder for tidssone: Sydney