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Upcoming Events for Leicestershire and Rutand Wildlife Trust

All events listed below can be booked from this site, but if you have any problems accessing an event, please call 0116 262 9968 during office hours or email info@lrwt.org.uk.

Fra 24 apr 2024
april, 2024
24 ons. 19:45 BST
26 fre. 09:30 BST
30 tir. 10:00 BST
2 tor. 19:30 BST
3 fre. 09:30 BST
5 søn. 05:00 BST
7 tir. 10:00 BST
19:30 BST
8 ons. 08:00 BST
12 søn. 08:00 BST
16 tor. 19:30 BST
17 fre. 09:00 BST
09:30 BST
09:30 BST
18 lør. 2 dager
21 tir. 19:30 BST
25 lør. 18:00 BST
29 ons. 10:00 BST
18:00 BST
30 tor. 19:30 BST
Tider gjelder for tidssone: London