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Orietta - Sensational Soul Muse ❤️ 'Holding Sacred Space for your journey & healing'

Welcome, my name is Orietta. I'm so glad you felt drawn towards experiencing a peaceful and nourishing session with me.

I am a Sound Healing Practicioner, Yoga Nidra meditation facilitator, Life Coach and Conscious Dance Teacher. I offer soothing practices both in person and online.

I specialise as a Feminine Soul Coach to support women on their Feminine journey, though I also enjoy offering group sound baths and meditative sessions that are open to everyone! If your work team seeks a deeply restful practice to support wellness, I can offer corporate sessions online or in person.

For Women I am passionate to bring transformative opportunities for self growth. I'm Founder of 'My Sacred Space', a community of highly conscious 'Sisters' on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, feminine cyclical wisdom, holistic wellness and healing. I'm also creator of an embodied self development course called 'Wild Wise Well Woman' - a journey through mind, body, spirit through: music, movement, meditation, mantra, nature & wisdom school teachings.

I'm dedicated to share embodied & Female informed spirituality & wellness, soulful living and authentic life alignment. I create nourishing sacred spaces, high vibration practices and femininely attuned ceremony, for your personal growth, deep self-care, self-empowerment & wisdom. I believe all forms of life are sacred, that the earth herself is an abundant mother and that we as Sisters embody much needed messages of LOVE to be activated, balanced and radiated in OUR time.

I hope you enjoy exploring the different sessions I offer: classes, courses, retreats, workshops & online. These spaces open a gateway to connect with other 'sisters in circle' and most of all, with the wholeness of yourself. You needn't be experienced in any of the practices to join in, all you need is an open heart, an urge to explore your inner 'essence' and a desire to mindfully nourish yourself.

Through my own extensive life experiences & passions, and through my professional training as a qualified: Life Coach, Sound Healing Practicioner, Yoga Nidra Teacher, Natural Rhythms Conscious Dance Facilitator, Trauma Informed Practicioner, Natural Beauty Facilitator and as a Shamanic 'Womb Keeper' for womb ceremony & healing, I am honoured to hold safe space for many women unfolding their unique journey, wisdom and soul medicine. I can't wait to welcome you to our tribe of evolving women!

I also offer my work on a 121 basis for Women, in addition to Feminine Ceremony facilitation (e.g. Mum to be Blessingway, Conscious Hen do, life event ceremony etc). I offer Sound Healing and Yoga Nidra to older children depending on their needs. All 121's are booked with me directly please get in touch for a 15 min 'discovery discussion' to explore.

I look forward to welcoming you soon.

Om Shanti 🙏


Fra 3 mai 2024
Ingen arrangement
Tider gjelder for tidssone: London