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Online Booking Form


  1. Click on the date and class you would like to book.
  2. Click 'Select' on free trial lesson.
  3. Click 'View selections'
  4. Click 'Book now' and follow the instructions.

You will then receive your booking by email.

Fra 28 apr 2024
april, 2024
29 man. 17:30 BST
19:30 BST
30 tir. 17:30 BST
18:30 BST
19:30 BST
2 tor. 17:30 BST
18:30 BST
19:30 BST
6 man. 17:30 BST
19:30 BST
7 tir. 17:30 BST
18:30 BST
19:30 BST
9 tor. 17:30 BST
18:30 BST
19:30 BST
13 man. 17:30 BST
19:30 BST
14 tir. 17:30 BST
18:30 BST
19:30 BST
16 tor. 17:30 BST
Tider gjelder for tidssone: London