Gå til hovedinnhold


£40Klippekort for 4 klasser.
Klippekortet kan brukes til:
  • Monday Soulful Flow
  • Saturday morning yoga

Save yourself some money, and grab a pass, to be used within 4 weeks of purchase

Unlimited membership

£65Klippekort for ubegrensede klasser.
Klippekortet kan brukes til:
  • Monday Soulful Flow
  • Saturday morning yoga

Commitment, that's what we like to see. All you can eat yoga with Zen Gem. Worth £144 per month. This pass gives you unlimited access to classes, plus discount on all workshops and retreats :)

OG membership

£50Klippekort for ubegrensede klasser.
Klippekortet kan brukes til:
  • Monday Soulful Flow
  • Saturday morning yoga

Commitment, that's what we like to see. All you can eat yoga with Zen Gem. Worth £144 per month. This pass gives you unlimited access to classes, plus discount on all workshops and retreats :)

OG yogis

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