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History Wardrobe: Mary Quant-Fashion Icon

Thursday, 23 January '25   6:30pm – 8pm GMT
North Shields Library, Northumberland Square, North Shields, NE30 1QU
Fully booked
History Wardrobe: Mary Quant-Fashion Icon

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Mini, maxi, plastic fantastic!

Mary Quant was one of the most dynamic and influential designers of the 1960s. Her bold, bright styles made haute couture look to the high street for inspiration.

In Mary Quant - Fashion Icon, Lucy Ridley browses the rails of History Wardrobe's Quant collection, exploring key trends of the era and showcasing fabulous fashions, including frocks, tights, boots, make-up and the intriguingly titled Booby Trap...


Includes refreshments



History Wardrobe: Mary Quant - Fashion Icon

Includes refeshments


North Shields Library
Northumberland Square
North Shields
NE30 1QU

Parking is available locally at Norfolk Street car park.
North Shields Metro is 5 minutes from the Customer First Centre.


  • Changing facilities
  • Showers
  • Toilets
  • Baby changing