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Permafrost Carbon Feedback (PCF) Intervention Roadmap Dialogues


March 4 (10am-11:30am PST): Opening Dialogue: Why Permafrost Carbon Matters
March 11 (10am-11:30am PST): Avoiding Permafrost Thaw: Managing Temperature
March 18 (10am-11:30am PST): Managing Emissions from Permafrost Thaw
March 25 (9am-10:30am PST): Permafrost Carbon Feedback: Priorities for Research, Policy and Investment

Please select below which Dialogues you plan to attend, and book a 'ticket' for each.


  • As the permafrost thaws due to the rapid increase in Arctic temperatures, embedded microbes act on the organic carbon and release large volumes of CO2 and methane.
  • This is the permafrost carbon feedback (PCF): warming promotes thaw, which liberates greenhouse gases, causing more warming, and so on.
  • The volume of these gases threatens to derail global attempts to meet Carbon Budgets, substantially moving up the goal post for global decarbonization.
  • International collaboration is lacking to face up to PCF, or deploy potential mitigation methods.


  • A private sector, non-partisan Group dedicated to accelerating action on PCF.
  • The PCF Action Group is a Canadian team of entrepreneurs, scientists, permafrost engineers, politicians, administrators and writers with demonstrated experience committed to addressing PCF within the global decarbonization effort.
  • The Group has assembled global expertise in PCF science, policy, indigenous leadership, climate modeling, and climate technologies in four interactive Dialogues – the first of their kind, bringing PCF to the forefront of the carbon budget discussion.


  1. Advance knowledge and alert stakeholders to the urgency and impacts of the PCF to carbon budgets and the challenges of meeting NetZero 2050 targets.
  2. Recognize the geopolitical implications of the developing PCF.
  3. Recognize the inherent impact of permafrost thaw and PCF on Northern infrastructure, communities, and way of life.
  4. Provide a platform and stimulate action to foster PCF solutions that complement (not replace) necessary global decarbonization efforts.
  5. Develop pathways to engagement and partnership with Northern communities, governments, and agencies.
  6. Alert northern governments to the future costs of inaction and mitigation of the PCF.
  7. Support collaboration to facilitate research on scope, development, and deployment of solutions; and cost-sharing.
  8. Identify and rank feasible interventions to the PCF.
  9. Assist agencies to develop strategies to mitigate PCF.
  10. Develop the business plan for an international PCF Agency and Task Force.
From 16 Jan 2025
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Times shown in timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)