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Hi Everyone,
Please click on the workshop you are interested in. All the information about the workshop, description, cost etc, is situated down the right hand side on a desktop or scroll down the page to the end for a mobile. Near to the end of the description is a button to select how many to attend the workshop. Once selected it will take you to the confirming of your booking section. You can return to the schedule as many times as you wish to add further workshops then pay for them all at the same time. If you have any problems with the booking schedule, please do not hesitate to contact us on 07766 489881 or email

From 27 Jul 2024
July, 2024
27 Sat 10:30am BST
29 Mon 1pm BST
7pm BST
30 Tue 10am BST
31 Wed 1:30pm BST
7pm BST
1 Thu 1:30pm BST
7pm BST
2 Fri 1:30pm BST
6pm BST
5 Mon 1pm BST
7pm BST
6 Tue 10am BST
7pm BST
7 Wed 10:30am BST
7pm BST
8 Thu 7pm BST
9 Fri 6pm BST
10 Sat 10:30am BST
12 Mon 1pm BST
Times shown in timezone: London