Positive Supports Rule Core
Effective 1/1/23: We will no longer offer demonstration of manual restraints as part of this class
For direct care staff, managers, directors and any other staff responsible for developing, implementing, monitoring, supervising or evaluating positive support strategies (required for all people receiving 245D licensed services), positive support transition plans, or emergency use of manual restraints.
Core training course for the Positive Supports Rule (MN Rules, Chapter 9544) and 245D EUMR requirements. For direct care staff, managers, directors and any other staff responsible for developing, implementing, monitoring, supervising or evaluating positive support strategies (required for all people receiving 245D licensed services), positive support transition plans, or emergency use of manual restraints. This course provides staff the important knowledge of how to work with the people they support in a positive and supportive manner, especially when challenging behaviors may be present. It includes fundamentals in establishing trusting relationships, the importance of avoiding power struggles, positive de-escalation techniques, alternatives to restraints, the communicative intent of behaviors and causes of behavior including events and environmental factors. Positive support strategies including positive behavior supports, the relationship between staff interactions as well as the environment will be covered. The importance of providing person-centered service planning and delivery and how to discover the uniqueness of each person that is supported and their specific culture will be explored. This class includes the 245D training requirements on allowed, restricted, and prohibited behavioral interventions, including Emergency Use of Manual Restraint (EUMR), and situations in which staff need to call 911. Students will also participate in demonstrating how to use blocks and releases. In order to meet the training requirements in MN Statute 245D.061 and 245D.09, staff must additionally demonstrate competency and be trained in their employer’s specific EUMR policy and engage in simulated experiences of administering and receiving manual restraint procedures allowed by the license holder on an emergency basis.
PSR Core requires physical demonstration and activities such as bending, kneeling, crouching, and quick movements as part of the courses. Participants are asked to dress appropriately and comfortably for such activities.
Cost | ||
PSR Core
Available until Fri 13 Jan '23 10pm
lunch on your own
$80.00 |
STAR Services, Inc
1295 Bandana Blvd North #135
St Paul MN 55108
PARKING: After turning onto Bandana Blvd W, the Atrium Building will be directly ahead, beyond the stop sign. Parking is available on both sides of the building and the adjacent parking ramp on the east side. Monday-Friday during business hours, use the MAIN, WEST, or NORTH entrances. EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS, use the Main or North entrances. The EAST entrance DOES NOT have access to the rest of the building. VIEW PARKING AND ENTRANCE MAP